Education is changing. New technologies are allowing information to flow within schools and beyond, enabling new learning environments and providing new tools to improve the way teachers teach and the way students learn. Data-driven innovations are bringing advances in teaching and learning but are accompanied by concerns about how education data, particularly student-generated data, are being collected and used.
The Future of Privacy Forum believes that there are critical improvements to learning that are enabled by data and technology, and that the use of data and technology is not antithetical to protecting student privacy. In order to facilitate this balance, FPF equips and connects advocates, industry, policymakers, and practitioners with substantive practices, policies, and other solutions to address education privacy challenges at both the K-12 and higher ed levels.
For more information and resources, please visit Student Privacy Compass, a one-stop shop for information, news, and analysis on maintaining student data privacy.
FPF Submits Comments with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) on Kids Online Health and Safety
On November 15, the Future of Privacy Forum filed comments with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) in response to their request for comment on Kids Online Health and Safety as part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Interagency Task Force on Kids Online Health & Safety. Read the comments here. Young people increasingly engage with […]
FPF Weighs In on the Responsible Use and Adoption of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in New York City Classrooms
Last week, Future of Privacy Forum provided testimony at a joint public oversight hearing before the New York City Council Committees on Technology and Education on “The Role of Artificial Intelligence, Emerging Technology, and Computer Instruction in New York City Public Schools.” Specifically, FPF urged the Council to consider the following recommendations for the responsible adoption […]
FPF Submits Comments to the FTC on the Application for a New Parental Consent Method
Today, the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) submitted comments to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regarding the use of “Privacy-Protective Facial Age Estimation” as a potential mechanism for verifiable parental consent (VPC) under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Rule. FPF observes: In June, FPF published The State of Play: Is Verifiable Parental Consent […]
New FPF Infographic Analyzes Age Assurance Technology & Privacy Tradeoffs
As a growing number of federal and state children’s online privacy and safety proposals seek to age-restrict social media and other online experiences, FPF released a new infographic, Unpacking Age Assurance: Technologies and Tradeoffs. The infographic analyzes the risks and potential harms associated with attempting to discern someone’s age online, as well as potential mitigation […]
FPF Releases Report on Verifiable Parental Consent
Today, FPF released a new report on the effectiveness of a key federal children’s privacy requirement known as verifiable parental consent (VPC). The Children’s Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA) requires operators of child-directed services to provide parents with detailed, direct notice and obtain parents’ affirmative express consent – verifiable parental consent – before collecting […]
Connecticut Shows You Can Have It All
On June 3rd, Connecticut Senate Bill 3 (SB 3), an “Act Concerning Online Privacy, Data and Safety Protections,” cleared the state legislature following unanimous votes in the House and Senate. If enacted by Governor Lamont, SB 3 will amend the Connecticut Data Privacy Act (CTDPA) to create new rights and protections for consumer health data […]
What to Expect from the Review of Australia’s Privacy Act
The author thanks Anna Johnston and Alex Kotova (Salinger Privacy) for their review and comments and Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna, Josh Lee Kok Thong, Lee Matheson, and Isabella Perera (FPF) for their support with editing this post. On February 16, 2023, Australia’s Attorney-General’s Department (AGD) released a final report (Review Report) on its multi-year review of Australia’s […]
Shining a Light on the Florida Digital Bill of Rights
On May 4, 2023, the Florida ‘Digital Bill of Rights’ (SB 262) cleared the state legislature and now heads to the desk of the Governor for signature. SB 262 bears many similarities to the Washington Privacy Act and its progeny (specifically the Texas Data Privacy and Security Act). However, SB 262 is unique given its […]
New Report Highlights LGBTQ+ Student Views on School Technology and Privacy
The Future of Privacy Forum and LGBT Tech outline recommendations for schools and districts to balance inclusion and student safety in technology use. Today, the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF), a global non-profit focused on privacy and data protection, and LGBT Tech, a national, nonpartisan group of LGBT organizations, academics, and high technology companies, released […]
Utah Considers Proposals to Require Web Services to Verify Users’ Ages, Obtain Parental Consent to Process Teens’ Data
Update: On March 23, Governor Spencer Cox signed SB 152 and HB 311. While amendments were made to both bills, the concerns raised in FPF’s analysis remain. SB 152 leaves critical provisions, such as methods to verify age or obtain parental consent, to be established in further rulemaking, but questions remain regarding whether these can […]