Redline Comparison of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Rule Review
On January 18, 2025, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) finalized its review of the COPPA Rule. Following the FTC’s notice of proposed rulemaking issued in January 2024, this announcement is the latest in a multi-year review of the COPPA Rule, which was last updated in 2013 and which the FTC began reviewing potential updates to […]
Top Six Major Privacy Enforcement Trends: A U.S. Legislation Retrospective
Enforcement activity intensifies as U.S. consumer privacy laws continue to evolve and come into effect. In 2023 and 2024 alone, there have been dozens of enforcement actions at the U.S. federal and state levels, some of which reveal or touch on significant throughlines for privacy policy issues, such as what constitutes a privacy violation or […]
FPF COPPA 2.0 Redline
On February 14, 2024, Senator Markey released an updated draft of the Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA 2.0) while also sharing that Senate Commerce Leadership now endorses it. On April 9, 2024, Reps Castor and Walberg introduced the COPPA 2.0 companion bill in the House. COPPA 2.0 would amend the Children’s Online […]
Youth Privacy in Immersive Technologies Issue Brief
Analyze recent regulatory and self-regulatory actions and guidance related to youth privacy, safety, and advertising in immersive spaces, pulling out key lessons for organizations building experiences in virtual worlds in FPF’s issue brief. Learn more on the FPF Blog.
FPF Files COPPA Comments with the Federal Trade Commission
On March 11, the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) filed comments with the Federal Trade Commission (Commission) in response to its request for comment on the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) proposed rule. As technology evolves, so must the regulations designed to protect children online, and FPF commends the Commission’s efforts to strengthen COPPA. […]
Overview of Contested Youth Privacy & Safety Provisions in Pending State Law Litigation
Since September 2022, eight U.S. states have enacted laws intended to address online youth privacy and safety. Six of these laws are currently subject to litigation, often on First Amendment grounds. In some cases, preliminary injunctions have already halted the laws from going into effect. These initial district court rulings provide a first look at […]
FPF Offers Input on Massachusetts Student Data Privacy Proposal
On October 30, 2023, FPF provided testimony before a hearing of the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Education regarding H.532/S.280, an Act Relative to Student and Educator Data Privacy. Our testimony focused on highlighting relevant FPF resources for policymakers (including a case study on student privacy in Utah, our state student privacy laws tracker, and a series of student data privacy ethics […]
FPF Submits Comments with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) on Kids Online Health and Safety
On November 15, 2023, the Future of Privacy Forum filed comments with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) in response to their request for comment on Kids Online Health and Safety as part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s interagency Task Force on Kids Online Health & Safety. Read the FPF Blog to learn more.
FPF Submits Comments to the FTC on the Application for a New Parental Consent Method
FPF submitted comments to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regarding the use of “Privacy-Protective Facial Age Estimation” as a potential mechanism for verifiable parental consent (VPC) under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Rule.
Age Assurance Infographic
FPF released a new infographic, Unpacking Age Assurance: Technologies and Tradeoffs. The infographic analyzes the risks and potential harms associated with attempting to discern someone’s age online, as well as potential mitigation tools. FPF also outlines the privacy and accuracy tradeoffs of specific age assurance methods and technologies.