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BCI Commercial and Government Use: Gaming, Education, Employment, and More
[…] activity; 2) those that modulate brain activity; or 3) those that do both, also called bi-directional BCIs (BBCIs). BCIs can be invasive or non-invasive and employ a number of techniques for collecting neurodata and modulating neural signals. Neurodata is data generated by the nervous system, which consists of the electrical activities between neurons or […]

The State of Play – Issue Brief: COPPA 101
[…] of 13 to obtain permission from a child’s parent before collecting information about them. Protected data includes a child’s personal details, such as name, home address, email address, and phone number; geo-location information; online activity tracking data; and photo, video, and audio files. Critics argue that COPPA – which predates the invention of social media networks, […]

BCIs & Data Protection in Healthcare: Data Flows, Risks, and Regulations
[…] activity; 2) those that modulate brain activity; or 3) those that do both, also called bi-directional BCIs (BBCIs). BCIs can be invasive or non-invasive and employ a number of techniques for collecting neurodata and modulating neural signals. Neurodata is data generated by the nervous system, which consists of the electrical activities between neurons or […]

5 Tips for Protecting Your Privacy Online
[…] an iPhone or Android, follow the below steps. iPhone Navigate to “Settings,” then “Privacy,” and then “Location Services” Search for each social media service downloaded on your phone Open each and make sure “Never” is selected or only “While Using”. Android Navigate to “Settings”, then “Location,” and then “App Permissions” Select the social media […]

Addressing the Intersection of Civil Rights and Privacy: Federal Legislative Efforts
[…] about the effects and enforcement of adtech and targeted advertising on marginalized and vulnerable populations. Leading Federal Comprehensive Data Privacy Bills Members of Congress have introduced a number of comprehensive data privacy bills in recent years, some of which contain civil rights provisions. The leading proposals from Democratic and Republican leaders in the Senate […]

Brain-Computer Interfaces & Data Protection: Understanding the Technology and Data Flows
[…] activity; 2) those that modulate brain activity; and 3) those that do both, also called bi-directional BCIs (BBCIs). BCIs can be invasive or non-invasive and employ a number of techniques for collecting neurodata and modulating neural signals. Neurodata is data generated by the nervous system, which consists of the electrical activities between neurons or […]

12th Annual Privacy Papers for Policymakers Awardees Explore the Nature of Privacy Rights & Harms
[…] interfaces that simplify the task of managing notices and configuring controls, which would allow individuals to communicate their opt-in/opt-out preference to video analytics operators. From the record number of nominated papers submitted this year, these six papers were selected by a diverse team of academics, advocates, and industry privacy professionals from FPF’s Advisory Board. […]

Public Comments Surface Fault Lines in Expectations for New California Privacy Law
[…] and enforcement teams, and (4) create “fair and equal treatment” rules for determining what companies are audited. 5. “Dark Patterns” Finally, the Agency requested feedback on a number of definitions used by the CPRA including manipulative design interfaces known as “dark patterns.” The CPRA defines “dark patterns” as “a user interface designed or manipulated […]

FPF’s Stacey Gray Testifies Before Senate Finance Committee Regarding Data Brokers, Urges Congress Pass a Comprehensive Federal Privacy Law
[…] such as transparency; risk assessment and auditing; limitations on the use of sensitive data; and limits on retention. In the absence of comprehensive legislation, there are a number of steps Congress can take to address risks related to consumer privacy and data brokers, including 1) empowering the Federal Trade Commission to continue using its […]

“Are crumbles all that remains of the cookies?” A conversation on the future of ad tech at the Nordic Privacy Arena 2021
[…] TV networks do — would create a level playing field that would enable the preservation of professional and quality media. Breyer also noted that, despite a growing number of EP lawmakers now believing that an opt-in standard for targeted online ads is not the solution, there does not seem to be a majority favoring […]