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Legislative Findings: Brookings Builds on U.S. Privacy Legislation Report
[…] goals that legislators are trying to achieve through the legislation. The articulation of the foundational principles and aims of privacy legislation is powerful and important for a number of non-operational reasons. These include building support among the public and members of Congress, declaring American values to the world, informing judicial and agency interpretation, and […]

A Deep Dive into New Zealand’s New Privacy Law: Extraterritorial Effect, Cross-Border Data Transfers Restrictions and New Powers of the Privacy Commissioner
[…] enforced through the Tribunal, and a failure to comply is a criminal offense, resulting in fines up to $10,000 New Zealand dollars. The Commissioner will consider a number of factors prior to issuing a compliance notice to an entity, such as the seriousness of the breach, the number of people affected, and the likely […]

Understanding Blockchain: A Review of FPF’s Oct. 29th Digital Data Flows Masterclass
[…] related information was included in the transaction as stored on the chain. However, as the underlying technology has been considered for other uses, there have been a number of changes to that design. Distributed ledgers are now created in ways that can be private, public or hybrid in nature. Public ledgers operate as an […]

Event Recap: Panel at the Annual Privacy Forum 2020
[…] that there are many different tracking techniques and mechanisms, e.g., monitoring web traffic through cookies, tracking across devices, using the Media Access Control (MAC) address of mobile phone to pinpoint geolocation, and utilizing Wi-Fi Access Points in public areas like airports or train stations. Such complexity has raised profound questions around how regulators can […]

FPF & Webinar – Privacy in High Density Crowd Contexts
[…] patterns of commuters with an alternative method that masks the identities of the passengers. Dutch Railways does this by hashing twice the WiFI-MAC address of the traveler’s phone through sensors in the railway station and sending the data to a central server. During the length of commute, subsequent sensors send hashed information to the […]

FPF Comments on Draft Washington Privacy Act of 2021
[…] to reach consensus is more important than ever, and we view meaningful legal privacy protections as both necessary and achievable. To that end, FPF’s comments identify a number of relevant points of debate between stakeholders, along with practical suggestions for how they might be addressed in the context of the WPA. These include practical […]

Rob van Eijk Discusses Trends in European Privacy Discussions
[…] In the EU, control is based, for example, around the protection of personal information and what is yours – protection of the integrity of your body, your phone, the integrity of the technology that’s in your connected car. There’s a lot of data being generated today and some of that data can be connected […]

Five Top of Mind Data Protection Recommendations for Brain-Computer Interfaces
[…] should adhere to when seeking to create inclusive, and privacy-centric, brain-computer interfaces. Key Recommendations for BCI Development // Because the collection and use of neuroinformation involves a number of privacy and ethical concerns that go beyond current laws and regulations, stakeholders working in this emerging field should follow these principles for mitigating privacy risks: […]

FPF Submits Comments Regarding Data Protection & COVID-19 Ahead of National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics Hearing
[…] our comments, we highlighted FPF’s recent work exploring the ethical, privacy, and data protection challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis, and we shared resources that address a number of issues raised by the Committee in the Request for Public Comments. In particular, we provided FPF resources that address: (1) the application of the Fair […]

Call for Position Statements on Responsible Uses of Technology and Health Data During Times of Crisis
[…] October 27th and 28th 2020. Accepted submissions will be distributed to workshop attendees in advance for review, assessment, and discussion. The Planning Committee will also organize a number of invited presentations. A workshop report will be prepared and used by the National Science Foundation to help set direction for the Convergence Accelerator 2021 Workshops, […]