Privacy Scholarship Research Reporter: Issue 4, December 2018 – GDPR in Focus
[…] breadth and its impact on incentives to innovate. In any case, the creation of data portability regimes should not become an end in itself. With an increasing number of instruments, orchestrating the consistency of legal regimes within the Digital Single Market and their mutual interplay should become an equally important concern. “Data Portability and […]

Privacy Features of iOS 12 and MacOS Mojave
[…] USB Restricted Mode: In July 2018, Apple released iOS 11.4.1 and introduced USB Restricted Mode. This feature requires iPhone users to input their passcode to unlock the phone when connecting it to a USB accessory if the phone has been locked for an hour or more. iOS 12 implements additional USB restrictions, including disabling […]

FPF Launches Virtual Privacy Book Club
[…] will be held on the last Wednesday of each month. A virtual conference dial-in will be sent to book club members, which will include a video chat, phone line, and an online chat. You can join the Privacy Book Club by registering here. Please feel free to share the sign up link with your […]

Privacy Best Practices for Consumer Genetic Testing Services
The Best Practices provide a policy framework for the collection, protection, sharing, and use of Genetic Data generated by consumer genetic testing services. These services are commonly offered to consumers for testing and interpretation related to ancestry, health, nutrition, wellness, genetic relatedness, lifestyle, and other purposes.

Privacy War Games | November 12 in San Jose
[…] game designed to gain insights that will help privacy professionals manage future privacy risk – an increasingly complex task that is made more difficult by: the increasing number of state and sectoral privacy laws; evolving regulatory and compliance requirements; and the regulatory and legal ambiguity of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). What […]

Mobile Platforms Address Data Privacy with 2018 Updates (iOS 12, Mojave, & Android P)
[…] appear more standardized. USB Restricted Mode: Although not discussed in the WWDC keynote, an upcoming feature may require iPhone users to input their passcode to unlock the phone when connecting it to a USB accessory if the phone has been locked for an hour or more. This feature would make it much more difficult […]

Custom Audiences and Transparency in Online Advertising
[…] is Custom Audiences? Facebook’s Custom Audiences is a tool that allows advertisers to upload their own marketing lists of users’ contact information — typically, email addresses or phone numbers — and to target advertisements to those same users on Facebook. In order to protect privacy, the uploaded list is first “hashed” or encrypted (Facebook […]

New Study on “the Marketplace for Student Data”
[…] some of the problems raised by the study. FERPA and State Student Privacy Laws Governing Schools “One bright spot in the report is that, among the small number of school districts that responded to the researcher’s requests for information, none appeared to be selling or sharing student information to advertisers,” noted Bill Fitzgerald, Project […]

Dept of Ed: Parents, Not Minor Students, Must Consent to College Admissions Pre-Test Surveys and Data Sharing
[…] Under IDEA Part B regulations, re-disclosures also cannot occur without written parental consent or an applicable exception. Implications The college admission exam technical assistance letter has a number of implications for stakeholders. Because the technical assistance and its implications are layered, more information and impressions will become apparent over the next few weeks. Here […]

FPF Comments on CA Public Utilities Commission Autonomous Vehicle Passenger Service Proceeding
[…] Autonomous Vehicles. The CPUC is a consumer protection agency that oversees, among other topics, provision of passenger service in the state. The proposed decision called for a number of criteria to be met by companies seeking to operate AV passenger service, including reporting of communications between passengers and remote operators of driverless AVs, as […]