Sakshi Shivhare

Policy Associate for Asia-Pacific

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sakshi shivhare

Sakshi is a Policy Associate at the Future of Privacy Forum, Asia-Pacific office. With a comprehensive set of responsibilities, she monitors and analyzes legal, policy, and regulatory developments concerning the domains of privacy, emerging technologies, and data protection within the region, where she also engages with stakeholders from government, industry, academia, and civil society to advance FPF’s mission.

With her experience in working with a multinational IT service provider and tech start-ups, Sakshi possesses a comprehensive understanding of the legal landscape and a global perspective. Having served in the legal teams of these diverse entities, she has honed her skills in navigating complex legal matters.

Sakshi is an India qualified lawyer, she boasts a strong academic foundation with a Bachelor of Laws degree from the esteemed ILS Law College, Pune and a Master of Laws degree from the prestigious National University of Singapore, specializing in intellectual property, privacy and technology laws.

In addition to her legal acumen, she is keenly interested in the growth of technologies and dedicated to exploring how law and policy play a pivotal role in shaping the tech landscape.